Destiny 2 Bringing Back King's Fall Raid Later This Week
Destiny 2 Bringing Back King's Fall Raid Later This Week

Bungie has been keeping Destiny 2 players on their toes lately with the announcement of the game's next major expansion pack and the release of new seasonal content. However, the biggest news is the upcoming endgame-tier content that is set to be released later this week. Season of the Plunder has already started off at a rapid pace, keeping every player entertained.
One of the major highlights of this upcoming endgame-tier content is the reprisal of King's Fall, one of the original Destiny's best raids. It is set to be released on August 26th and will feature the legendary Taken King, Oryx. In this raid, Guardians will have to mount an assault on the Hive god's inner sanctum and turn his own captured Light against him in the final encounter. King's Fall is a thematic follow-up to Destiny 2's reprisal of Vault of Glass from last year, and it will continue Bungie's new trend of including many of the original Destiny's finest moments in the sequel.
King's Fall will also have its own dedicated Raid Race event, and players who are interested in competing for the world's first completion will have an opportunity to do so. While most of King's Fall will remain the same as it was in the original Destiny, some elements are likely to be changed. For example, Vault of Glass received a few mechanical changes, and the vicious Vex Wyvern enemies were introduced to the roster.
One notable difference with the launch of King's Fall is that Bungie has scheduled the Raid Race event on a Friday, rather than a Saturday, as they had done in the past. This change is due to the connectivity problems that occurred during the launch of Vow of the Disciple. The Saturday launch meant that there were fewer developers available to handle any issues that may have arisen. The Friday launch schedule for King's Fall means that there will be more staff on hand to address any potential problems.
It is likely that King's Fall will have its own set of special, pinnacle-level items attached to its own Master difficulty mode, just like Vault of Glass. However, these have not yet been revealed, and even the basic weapons and armor are currently invisible in the game's API. This means that players cannot see what gear has made the transition to Destiny 2 alongside the raid.
Destiny 2: Season of Plunder has three activities for players to participate in, but none of them are endgame-tier by default. Instead, they are designed to provide a fun and satisfying experience for every player profile at the same time. King's Fall, on the other hand, will prove to be much more difficult and will attract a more hardcore audience, especially during the Raid Race event on Friday.
Destiny 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
In conclusion, the upcoming release of King's Fall in Destiny 2 has created a lot of excitement among the game's fanbase. It is a reprisal of one of the original game's best raids and is set to provide players with a challenging and thrilling experience. The Friday launch schedule for the Raid Race event means that there will be more staff on hand to address any issues that may arise, and it is likely that King's Fall will have its own set of special, pinnacle-level items attached to its own Master difficulty mode. While Season of Plunder has three activities for players to participate in, King's Fall will be the main attraction for hardcore players looking for a challenge. Overall, it is an exciting time to be a Destiny 2 fan.